Kilnasoolagh Church
Located in the village of Newmarket-on-Fergus about 12 miles from Ennis this ancient Christian site dates back at least to 1256. Services here are held every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 11.30am, and 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays at 9.30am. Occasional other services are arranged from time to time such as Holy Thursday and Christmas Eve. While the congregation is small, those who attend are eager and enthusiastic.
The church has a good electronic organ which is used on special occasions, other times music is provided on Sundays by means of an excellent electronic sound system. A wide choice of hymns, canticles and voluntaries are available on a lap-top which was presented to the church by a member of the congregation.
Kilnasoolagh church has two parish readers who have been engaged in leading worship for some years. Both are competent and confident in leading the congregation in worship.
Within the church and to the left of the chancel there is a large baroque monument to Sir Donat O’Brien of Dromoland who was instrumental in constructing the second church on the site around 1686. The present church was built in 1815 by ecclesiastical builder James Pain Esq. Dromoland Castle Hotel is close by the church on the fringe of the village and in the same grounds is the popular hotel The Inn at Dromoland.
See the map below for our location.

Service Times
1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday at 11.30am
(5th Sunday usually Holy Communion)
2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:00am
(usually Holy Communion)

St John’s Church of Ireland school
St John’s Church of Ireland school is located in nearby Shannon town. This is the only Church of Ireland school located in the parish grouping. While it is associated with the Church of Ireland and under Church of Ireland management it does not have a link with the parish locally. Perhaps this is something that can be explored in the future.
The parish graveyard is to the rear of the church. There are still a number of vacant plots available but these are reserved for congregation members who may have a desire to be interred in their parish graveyard. Burial plots may be available in Clonlea graveyard in Kilkishen which is associated with the parish. The church there was sold to Kilkishen Community Development Association some years ago but title to the graveyard remains with the church. Currently the church is used as a cultural centre.